Resources on pronunciation and transcription
Pronunciation of Sounds

- Practice of SSBE sounds
English interactive phonemic charts Cambridge English Online One Stop English

Practice with minimal pairs and the sounds of English Ship or sheep Antimoon

Pronunciation resources
Practice of SSBE sounds
English interactive phonemic charts Cambridge English Online One Stop English
Practice with minimal pairs and the sounds of English Ship or sheep Antimoon
University of Manitoba. Practice with General American English vowels.
Pronunciation of words
Sozo: it teaches new words and illustrates HowJsay: listen to the pronunciation of their pronunciation words
Ivy Panda. Practice pronunciation with these tongue twisters.
Online dictionaries with audio and transcription
Wordreference Cambridge online dictionary
Ear training practice Exercises on Vowels and Consonants.
John Maidment’s Vowel spotting, Vowel machine and ear-training exercises to practice with SSBE vowels.
The AngloTIC webpage (Universitat de València)
Ear-training practice with vowels Ear-training practice with consonants
There are other ear-training exercises here.
Exercises with vowels, consonants, odd-one-out exercises, morpheme -s, morpheme -ed, etc.)
English accent coach (based on GA) Say it Right (SSBE and GA)
Gimson’s pronunciation of English (by Alan Cruttenden) eighth edition additional material on pronunciation practice.
Pronunciation Games at Rhyming pairs, pronunciation of -ed endings and homophones.
English pronunciation for Catalan and Spanish speakers
EPSS (English Pronunciation for Speakers of Spanish) Multimedia Lab: exercises and online resources.
English Pronunciation (by Rodrigo Brunori) English pronunciation for Catalan speakers (by Lou Hevly)
Online course on English pronunciation for Spanish and Catalan speakers (By Núria Gavaldà)
Resources to practice transcription
Transcription of vowels and consonants
John Maidment’s phonetic flash
Introductory exercises (reading transcription)
Transcription of words
David Brett’s word transcription exercises.
Transcription of texts
John Maidment’s Paratrans: English Jack Windsor Lewis’s PhoneticBlog: texts accompanied by a parallel transcribed texts, you can listen to the SSBE phonemic transcription. You can recording too. listen to the recording too.
Paul Carley’s Humour in phonetic transcription and Sherlock Holmes in transcription. You can listen to the recording of sentences and correct your transcription. The author provides useful notes.
Transcription system in English and current sound changes
John Wells on IPA transcription systems for English (current system, current sound changes and some comments on proposals for reforms)
Geoff Lindsey’s Cube (Current British English) pronunciation dictionary. Make sure you tick the option “trad” (for traditional symbols) so that you can see the transcription with the symbols that we use in class. With this dictionary, you can also look for words with specific sounds you are interested in or for minimal pairs. You can watch an explanatory video here. Also, visit the section called accent” on sound changes that mark the difference between traditional RP and SSBE and his proposal for a different transcription system
Spelling-pronunciation relationship
John Maidment’s site offers pronunciation Silent letters tips, tips on the relationship between spelling (by Pronunciation Studio) and pronunciation, and information about the pronunciation of place names, among others.
AngloTIC (U. València)
Resources to practice intonation
The following are resources by John Maidment to practice intonation.
Introduction to tonality, to focus and to tone (pitch).
On Wh-Questions
PLATO (Place the Tonic): Online Intonation: practice associating practise Tonicity (position of the an intonation pattern with a commonly the sound of nuclear stress). used system of notation in English.
Newton: designed to help you recognise Peter Ladefoged’s examples on General British English nuclear tones. intonation. You can listen to some sentences produced with different intonational patterns.
Blogs and tutorials on English phonetics and pronunciation
IPA phonetics resources and tutorials BBC Learning English Pronunciation
Peter Ladefoged’s online course. John Wells’s blog Jack Windsor Lewis’s blog
Jennifer Smith’s phonetic resources Geoff Lindsey’s blog Mark Hukvale’s courses
Youtube channels on English pronunciation and phonetics
Dr Geoff Lindsey • speech coach Núria Gavaldà: English pronunciation tips for Spanish and Catalan speakers
Pronunciation & phonetics BBC Learning English (by The English Language Club) Improve your pronunciation