Familiarise yourself with English vowels and consonants with an interactive phonemic chart and the BBC learning English Pronunciation website.
Cambridge English Online
BBC Learning English Pronunciation
Practice phoneme contrasts with the following Minimal Pair activities.
Listen to the pronunciation of English words on the audio dictionary HowJsay and listen to words or whole phrases in several accents of English on Youglish.
Train your ear to recognise English vowels and consonants with the interactive exercises included on these websites.
Agenda Web
Vowel Spotting, J. Maidment
The Vowel Machine, J. Maidment
RP English Vowels, J. Maidment
Vowel Spotting, J. Maidment
The Vowel Machine, J. Maidment
Ear training exercises, J. M.
English Vowels, J. M.
AngloTIC, U. València
Exercises by P. F. de la Iglesia
English Club
Gimson’s Pronunciation of English
If you are a Spanish or Catalan learner, check out these websites and courses designed for Spanish and Catalan speakers.
Rodrigo Brunori
Lou Hevly
EPSS Multimedia Lab
Online English Pronunciation course for Spanish and Catalan speakers, N. Gavaldà
Aprendizaje a través de canciones y textos literarios, E. Estebas & M. Soláns
A more complete version of this course with exercises (MOOC course) is available here for free.
Practice intonation with the following interactive exercises created by John Maidment.
Tonality, tonicity, tone
Plato (Place the Tonic)
Newton – exercises on tone
Online Intonation
Watch videos about English pronunciation on the following Youtube channels.
Geoff Lindsey
The English Language Club
BBC Learning English Pronunciation
Hadar Hemesh
English with Anna
Nuria Gavalda
Practice English Pronunciation with the following Apps.